February 27, 2011

Song Sunday!

Today is a good day. The sun is shining, I'm about to go have lunch with my best friend/girlfriend Gabby, I'm caught up on all the shows I missed this week (it's the small things in life!), and I had an overall alright weekend. Good and bad, some of each. I'm choosing to be happy today. I'm choosing to go to work tomorrow and act happy to be there. Lately, I haven't been acting like that. It's selfish, I know, I should be happy to even have a job. But I just want to leave and start the next phase of my life. No, let me rephrase that: I don't want to leave, I need to leave. There have been some things that have happened in the last month or so that have made me realize just how eager I am to move to another country, away from my comforts and people I love, and just help a community. I want to learn a new culture. I need to do something meaningful with my life. I need to not sit at home in a dead-end job that I don't love, stress about paying my loans, see and think about the same friends I've had for years and constantly question what it is that I want and what I'm doing with my life. I feel like I'm living the movie Groundhog Day.

No, today will not be the same old day. Today is a good day. And it will be even better once I'm stuffed with a delicious meal.

I'm a pilot, It's all I believe in, You can ride on my back

February 22, 2011

Spring fever

Mother Nature is cruel. She teases us with warm weather and melted snow and birds chirping, and then BAM snow storm. I just want Spring. I need shining sun. I need to drive around with my windows down and singing the Glee soundtrack at the top of my lungs. I need to wear this dress.

And this necklace.

I'm trying to trick Mother Nature. She'll think, "Oh, well Chelsea bought this cute dress. It must be time for 60 degree weather and happiness!"

It'll happen, just you wait. Until then, I'll still sing Glee too loudly in my car.

February 16, 2011

17 & 18

Highs and lows of this past year

Graduating college last May. One in the same.

My beliefs

Treat every human being with respect and dignity
Treat all animals with that same respect
Follow your bliss
Travel the world
Love fully

February 12, 2011

Days 15 & 16

Favorite tumblrs

Um.. all the Peace Corps blogs I read daily- I love them all equally!

Views on mainstream music

Well, here's the thing, I'm what you could call a 'pretentious music snob.' I try not to be, I really do, but I just don't like most pop music and tend to gravitate towards alternative artists. You know, ones that actually play their instruments and sing. It's a novel idea, I know, shocking. With that being said, I DO sometimes catch myself enjoying some mainstream music (Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga, anyone? Guilty. Pleasure.) And the music that takes me back to my youth, like Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls. OBVS.

Speaking of music, I know tomorrow is my Song Sunday, but I just can't wait. I'm posting now. It's my blog, and I can do what I want.

Kristian Matsson, aka The Tallest Man on Earth, is my favorite singer of all time. I melt. I hope you enjoy him as much as I do. But in reality, you really can't. Sorry.

February 11, 2011

Day 13 & 14

Somewhere you'd like to move or visit

Pssh, like this was even a question.. Ireland. Obviously.

Your earliest memory

Hm, I think I was 2 or 3. I had just started climbing out of my crib and my mom was trying to 'break' me of my habit of getting into her bed at night. We still lived in Vegas and my room was kind of catty-corner to a hallway that led to my mom's room. So one night when she got home from work, I heard her go into her room and shut the door. I stealthily climbed out of my crib and began the long trek to her comfy bed... except the door was locked. I freaked out. I walked back to the end of the longest hallway imaginable and screamed my lungs out for what felt like an eternity. Next thing I knew, I was waking up the next morning on the floor outside my room. I couldn't tell you if after that night I kept climbing out and trying to sneak into my mom's bed, but I remember that one night vividly. It's also funny to look back at home videos as I'm older and realize the 'longest hallway imaginable' in my baby memory, was actually maybe 6 feet long.

In other news, I saw The Fighter last night with my grandma. We had a little dinner & a movie date cause we're precious like that. If you haven't seen this movie, go. see. it. now. Seriously, it was so awesome. One of my favorites, probably because I looooove Mark Wahlberg.

February 10, 2011

Day 11 & 12

Put your iPod on shuffle and write the first 10 songs

Well, this could get interesting...

1. Blowin' in the Wind - Bob Dylan

2. White Tooth Man - Iron & Wine

3. Paperweight - Joshua Radin

4. You Don't Know Me - Michael Buble

5. The Boys are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy

6. No Air - Glee Cast ( ...yup, I'm a huge gleek. guilty.)

7. Everlasting Light - The Black Keys

8. Maybe You Can Owe Me - Architecture in Helsinki

9. Futures - Jimmy Eat World  (throwback!) 

10. Don't Stand So Close to Me - The Police

Bullet your whole day

Wednesday Schedule (because my Thursday's are soo boring):
  • Wake up around 8:30 am
  • At work by 10
  • Home by 4
  • Gym till 5:30
  • Shower and get ready to see my girlfriend, Gabby. No really, we might as well be dating.
  • Wednesday wine night at Barrique (the cutest wine bar in a town near me- $10 off any bottle every Wednesday! Sold.)
  • Home by 10pm
  • Catch up on tv shows/blogs
  • Bedtime around 11:30
I'm an old lady and my life has become mundane.

February 09, 2011

February 08, 2011

Day 8

A moment you felt most satisfied with your life

I got to speak at my college graduation from UD last May and it was the scariest/best thing I've ever done. I was the Co-chair of the Senior Class Gift Committee so I got to talk about how much we raised and how much participation we were able to achieve. We had a graduating class of about 4,000 students, so figure they each have at least 2 people come for the ceremony and we're talking an audience size of about 12,000. Yea, definitely scariest thing ever. But I felt pretty accomplished and awesome at the same time :)

Day... ?

I'm really failing at this 30 Day Challenge thing. I guess that's why they call it a challenge.

..I'm also failing at being witty at the moment.

Zodiac sign and if it relates to you
July 10th - Cancer!

"Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is a water sign, which signifies your highly emotional nature"

Yea, I'd say that sums it up pretty nicely. I never really looked into my sign before because I don't necessarily believe in them and how they're supposed to dictate what a person is like. But after researching cancer for this challenge thing, I'd say it's pretty spot on for the most part:

"You are a person of feeling and sensation. Often you will ignore your own judgment and rationality, and someone else’s reasonable advice, in favor of how you feel."

"At times your emotions get the better of you, and you swing from high to low." (Oh hey Cristina, that doesn't sound like me...)

"You love to mix with all sorts of people. Social activities are an essential ingredient in your development. You are a great success socially, because you can convey your wisdom to others so well — Cancerians have very expressive faces."

"Were you born between 4th and 13th July? Well, Cancer, I see you have a very deep and penetrating mind and can sometimes be overly intense in relationships. Your loyalty is unconditional and you make the staunchest of friends."

That was fun, I guess I'm very much a Cancer.

February 06, 2011

Song Sunday

So I decided to start a little weekly tradition. I'm a big fan of music, and I wanna share my favorite songs of the moment. I'll post a video every Sunday (clever title, right?) and you can check it out. They'll obviously be awesome songs, so enjoy!

The genius of Gregg Gillis

What did I do this weekend you ask? Oh, just went to Philly to see Girl Talk and caught up with some old friends. I had an awesome time and I very much needed it.

How was your weekend??

February 04, 2011

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

I realize I haven't mentioned the Peace Corps in a while. Well that's right, you may have guessed it... NO UPDATE YET. Ha, I'm very used to this waiting game by now (I applied last April and have been Nominated since July) but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. See, I'm an extremely analytical person. Literally, I'm the always-thinking-and-questioning-everything-in-my-head type of girl. I've learned to embrace this, though I've been known to drive myself crazy sometimes. Anyway, this personality trait doesn't really handle the Peace Corps waiting situation very well. Don't get me wrong, I'm still 100% in my desire to go.. it's more of the diminishing belief I'll actually be invited. It's really my own insecurity and self-defeating mindset that I'm finding myself in these days. I'm trying to stay positive, I really am, but it's not easy when I haven't heard anything since the first week in November. Well, that's a lie, I've emailed them twice since and been told I'm right on track. But still. I'm losing it.

It also doesn't help that I don't have a full-time job, HATE living at home, can't have a real relationship because of my (hopeful) impending departure, and am generally living in a horrible limbo state. It's really starting to get to me, especially with most of my friends settled into jobs or school, and basically getting into a normal 'after college' life groove. I just need to leave. Tomorrow. Or at least know if I actually am leaving.

Please tell me there are other nominees with departure dates in June that haven't been invited yet..?

February 02, 2011

White Blank Page

Time to play catch up

Alright, I'm diving right in.

30 Interesting Things About Yourself

1. I've been a vegetarian since I was 12 years old, for animal rights and health reasons.

2. I was born in Las Vegas and moved to Long Island when I was 5.

3. I've never broken a bone. Despite my actual attempts when I was younger to slip on the soccer field, just so I could walk around school in crutches. And get out of gym class.. I wasn't the most athletic child.

4. My favorite actor of all time is Leonardo DiCaprio. Sounds cliche, I know, but he had me at "you jump, I jump." Plus.. he's just awesome.

5. My dream job is to be a photographer for National Geographic. I'd probably have to start taking interesting pictures though.

6. Since I was younger than I can remember, probably around 4, I've wanted to be a vet. Realizing a year into college that I didn't have the emotional stability to handle dying animals was probably the hardest thing I've ever gone through.

7. I am an extremely strong supporter of equal rights for all. I'd love to work for the Human Rights Campaign in DC one day too. 

8. I'm extremely indecisive.

9. Green is my favorite color. Probably because I like nature and because I'm Irish.

10. I never used to be into clothes or accessories. I went through a (much too) long stage in high school where all I wore were band t-shirts, ripped jeans, and converse. Oh, and those plastic bracelets you would pile around your wrists until you lost about 4 inches of your arm. I don't know when it happened, but I actually care about my appearance now. My closet has never been happier.

11. It's true what they say, a girl can never have enough shoes.

12. I go to an obscene amount of concerts. I'm happiest listening to live music by real musicians.

13. Right now, my biggest regret is my violin sitting in the corner of the room, having gone unplayed since I moved home after college. I really need to start playing again.

14. I've never dyed or done anything crazy to my hair. Unless you count donating to locks of love senior year of high school and chopping off over 12 inches crazy.

15. I've always been a PC girl, but after working on a Mac at work, I'm starting to see the appeal.

16. My favorite animal is a chinchilla. I CAN'T WAIT to own one when I get my own place one day.

17. My perfect day would probably be cuddling with my dog Maggie and sleeping in, drinking coffee outside on my porch, reading whatever awesome novel I'm currently reading as I lay in the grass in perfect 70 degree weather, trying out a delicious restaurant with some friends, and going to a show at one of my favorite venues.

My dog is the cutest deer/kangaroo/fox ever

18. My 4 years at the University of Delaware were the best years of my life. I miss college, and my best friends, every day.

19. Mexican is by far my favorite food.

20. I'm the oldest with 3 younger siblings, ages 16, 13, and 11. They're pretty awesome.

21. I can't whistle. Or french braid. I'm very upset for the lack of both these talents.

22. I don't believe in a higher power, or an after life.

23. I have two greatest aspirations in life: travel the world and say I made somewhat of a difference. We live a relatively short life, and death scares me.

24. My favorite novels. By. Far.
25. I can't control my level of voice. No, I really can't. I'm just naturally loud.

26. I kind of want to learn Gaelic one day.

27. I love tattoos. Their very specific importance to each individual person fascinates me. I have 3, and will get more when I have the money.

28. I'm a HUGE sucker for an Irish brogue. Did I mention I'm Irish?

29. I know everything and anything about celebrities and pop culture. Go on, quiz me.

30. These lists are exhausting.

February 01, 2011


I know, I know, I haven't been keeping up with my blog challenge. I had a pretty rough weekend and haven't felt much like blogging. The next topic is 30 interesting things about myself.. and it seems kind of daunting to answer right now. SO to be continued.