Alright, I'm diving right in.
30 Interesting Things About Yourself
1. I've been a vegetarian since I was 12 years old, for animal rights and health reasons.
2. I was born in Las Vegas and moved to Long Island when I was 5.
3. I've never broken a bone. Despite my actual attempts when I was younger to slip on the soccer field, just so I could walk around school in crutches. And get out of gym class.. I wasn't the most athletic child.
4. My favorite actor of all time is Leonardo DiCaprio. Sounds cliche, I know, but he had me at "you jump, I jump." Plus.. he's just awesome.
5. My dream job is to be a photographer for National Geographic. I'd probably have to start taking interesting pictures though.
6. Since I was younger than I can remember, probably around 4, I've wanted to be a vet. Realizing a year into college that I didn't have the emotional stability to handle dying animals was probably the hardest thing I've ever gone through.
7. I am an extremely strong supporter of equal rights for all. I'd love to work for the Human Rights Campaign in DC one day too.
8. I'm extremely indecisive.
9. Green is my favorite color. Probably because I like nature and because I'm Irish.
10. I never used to be into clothes or accessories. I went through a (much too) long stage in high school where all I wore were band t-shirts, ripped jeans, and converse. Oh, and those plastic bracelets you would pile around your wrists until you lost about 4 inches of your arm. I don't know when it happened, but I actually care about my appearance now. My closet has never been happier.
11. It's true what they say, a girl can never have enough shoes.
12. I go to an obscene amount of concerts. I'm happiest listening to live music by real musicians.
13. Right now, my biggest regret is my violin sitting in the corner of the room, having gone unplayed since I moved home after college. I really need to start playing again.
14. I've never dyed or done anything crazy to my hair. Unless you count donating to locks of love senior year of high school and chopping off over 12 inches crazy.
15. I've always been a PC girl, but after working on a Mac at work, I'm starting to see the appeal.
16. My favorite animal is a chinchilla. I CAN'T WAIT to own one when I get my own place one day.
17. My perfect day would probably be cuddling with my dog Maggie and sleeping in, drinking coffee outside on my porch, reading whatever awesome novel I'm currently reading as I lay in the grass in perfect 70 degree weather, trying out a delicious restaurant with some friends, and going to a show at one of my favorite venues.
My dog is the cutest deer/kangaroo/fox ever
18. My 4 years at the University of Delaware were the best years of my life. I miss college, and my best friends, every day.
19. Mexican is by far my favorite food.
20. I'm the oldest with 3 younger siblings, ages 16, 13, and 11. They're pretty awesome.
21. I can't whistle. Or french braid. I'm very upset for the lack of both these talents.
22. I don't believe in a higher power, or an after life.
23. I have two greatest aspirations in life: travel the world and say I made somewhat of a difference. We live a relatively short life, and death scares me.
24. My favorite novels. By. Far.
25. I can't control my level of voice. No, I really can't. I'm just naturally loud.
26. I kind of want to learn Gaelic one day.
27. I love tattoos. Their very specific importance to each individual person fascinates me. I have 3, and will get more when I have the money.
28. I'm a HUGE sucker for an Irish brogue. Did I mention I'm Irish?
29. I know everything and anything about celebrities and pop culture. Go on, quiz me.
30. These lists are exhausting.