As I'm going through this application process, reading the varying timelines for other hopeful applicants really calmed some of my nerves and let me know I wasn't alone. They tell you the whole process takes on average 6 months to a year before departing to your host country, and more often than not it takes even longer than that. But being told that, and living patiently through it, is something totally different. For this reason, I'd like to offer my own application timeline in the hopes that I can offer a sense of comfort to another fellow nominee.
April 17, 2010: Began the online application
April 18, 2010: Submitted application
April 18-28, 2010: Recommendations submitted
June 20, 2010: Contacted by recruiter to schedule an interview (abnormally long time in between, but my information needed to be sent to my home state's recruiter- I was graduating college and moving home)
June 30, 2010: Interview with recruiter
July 2, 2010: Emailed a vegetarian questionnaire from my recruiter I needed to fill out
July 7, 2010: Nominated for 3 programs with departure dates between Feb 2011, and June 2011, and told to choose one
July 27, 2010: Nominated for a Community Services program, in Central/South America, leaving in early June 2011 (again, my recruiter went on a 2 week recruiting trip so seemingly abnormal time between interview and nomination)
July 30, 2010: Peace Corps mails me medical kit
August-September: Various doctor appointments
September 23, 2010: Peace Corps receives my completed medical packet
October 5, 2010: Medically and dentally cleared
November 3, 2010: Contacted by placement office and told to send updated resume and transcript
March 22, 2011: Final call from my placement officer! I'm officially invited, she's just looking for a new program because my original nomination is now closed, my luck. Should hear from her by the end of the week with a new program!
March 24, 2011: Invited to serve as a secondary education science teacher in Sierra Leone, Africa from June 2011 to August 2013!
March 22, 2011: Final call from my placement officer! I'm officially invited, she's just looking for a new program because my original nomination is now closed, my luck. Should hear from her by the end of the week with a new program!
March 24, 2011: Invited to serve as a secondary education science teacher in Sierra Leone, Africa from June 2011 to August 2013!