January 26, 2011

Day 2

Where would you like to be in 10 years?

Hm, I'll be 32. Hopefully I'll be out of the Peace Corps long enough to be well into a career that will take me far from my native Long Island. The problem lies in that I see myself in so many different careers and locations, I really can't say where I'd like to be. I feel like my life is one of those 'Choose your own Adventure' novels - I can truthfully say I'd be happy in so many careers, whether I'm event planning for a music venue, working on a campaign in DC, or as of late, traveling the world working for the United Nations and helping people in need. Because of this, I'd love to either live in a city like DC or Philly, or in another country traveling the countryside. At 32, I'd hope to have a significant other, but if I'm traveling that won't really be easy. I definitely don't want kids at that age. I would love to have some cats and dogs, but again, only if I'm settled living somewhere will that be an option.

I know, I'm indecisive. I like to think of it as open to all possibilities and flexible, though. Here's to the unknown!

January 24, 2011

Inability to update a blog? Check

I realize its been quite a while since my last post. I think the fact that I'm still just living at home, working, and really not doing anything considered blog worthy in my mind is the culprit here. At least, that's definitely my excuse. So let's see, Happy New Year and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I hope both days brought you and yours good memories. As of late, my life is settling into a nice pattern of going to work, volunteering with teens at the YMCA (depending on the day), having dinner with the family, hanging out with some close friends, and going to bed. Wake up and repeat. As you can see, nothing really to write about. I do follow a bunch of blogs though, so I know you don't necessarily have to write about anything important. But I'm new at this, it seems weird to me to write about nothing essentially. I'm trying to change this though, I really am. Hence this solution: 30 Day Challenge! I found this in a girl named Megan's blog (which I really enjoy reading so you should all check it out : Freckled Italian) and I think I'd like to give it a go. I don't like writing about myself really, but at the very least it'll give me a reason to get on this thing more often! So here goes... starting tomorrow ;)