March 30, 2011

Padi Kusheh-O

That's Krio for 'Friend, Hello'
I know, I'm a natural

Lately I've been very overwhelmed with a ton of mixed feelings that vary hour to hour between being excited/nervous/unqualified/stressed (about how much I need to get done before I leave)/excited, again.

I can't sleep.. So I figured, why not write a blog with some interesting facts about Sierra Leone? I hope you find them as fascinating as I do.

  • There are two seasons, rainy season from May to November and dry season from December to May- the average temperature is around 81° F
  • 50% of the population is under the age of 15
  • One of the top 10 diamond producing nations in the world (Pssh, knew that one already)
  • The country is slightly smaller than South Carolina, and is bordered by Liberia, Guinea, and the Atlantic
  • They have an abundance of pineapples, bananas, papaya, coconuts, and mangos (Mmmm YES)
  • The average woman bears 6 children in her lifetime
  • The government recognizes at least 16 different ethnic groups- while each speaks its own language, the majority speak either Mende or Temne, and almost everyone speaks Krio, as well as English
  • Religious makeup is mainly split between Muslims (55%) and Christians (35%)
  • The palm tree and the rice grain are symbols recognized nationally - there are over 20 different words to describe rice in Mende
 Ok, this hour I'm back to being excited

March 27, 2011


SUCH an old song (that I don't even like much to be honest) but it's been in my head lately because it describes how I've been feeling these past few days!

March 24, 2011

Crazy change of plans...

MY INVITATION CAME TODAY! It was waiting for me when I got home from work and I ripped it open as fast as I could. I am completely ecstatic. I cried, and laughed, and jumped around. I'm so happy I can't even put it into words... however, this entire process has had me focused on South America. I speak Spanish and was told I'd most likely be placed there. My original nomination was for South America. I've done all my research on the climates and work programs and countries of South America.

As you can see... I'm going to Africa. I'm very much in shock. It's a good shock, and when you think of the Peace Corps I would definitely say the quintessential experience would be in Africa.. I just wasn't picturing me there at all. But it's typical Peace Corps fashion. Lets test Chelsea's patience and flexibility some more! Looks like I'm back at square one with research... not to mention I have a very short window of time before I leave. It's funny how life works out, after all these months of waiting, all of a sudden things seem to be moving too quickly.

Anyway, I'm off to read all I possibly can about Sierra Leone. I'm hoping it isn't really like Blood Diamond depicts it. This is the one time I hope Leonardo DiCaprio is wrong.

PS. Fellow nominees, follow me and leave a comment if you've received the same invitation! Lets be like the cool high school students that friend each other before they actually know each other just because they're going to the same school. And then we can awkwardly meet for the first time, all the while secretly already knowing everything about the other person. It's gonna be great, I can't wait.

March 23, 2011


I woke up this morning to the highly anticipated 5 am email from Peace Corps stating my application change.

It's all real! I'm camping out at my front door until the mailman comes with my invitation packet!

March 22, 2011

Times they are a-changin

Guys, I have some big news.

I just got the (202) phone call... and had my final placement interview!
Her name was Heather and she was awesome. She's a placement officer at the environmental and agriculture desk and was given my file when my original nomination became closed (womp womp). Anyway, we had about a 40 minute discussion, mainly about what I've been doing to prepare and what my expectations are and if they've changed, and then she spoke the words I've been waiting since last April to hear:

"Well Chelsea, I'm going to go ahead and officially clear you for service."

Being the emotional mess that I am, I started crying and told her that she was my best friend. Thankfully she just laughed and said "my pleasure, you'll be a great volunteer." Ha, I am so embarrassing. Anyway, I don't know where I'm going or when I'm leaving yet... but just to finally know without a shadow of a doubt that I'll be a volunteer with the Peace Corps.. I'm ecstatic. I see the light at the end of the tunnel that is my mundane life these days.

I was told I should hear from her again by the end of the week with more information, because she needs to find another program suited for me. She even mentioned the idea of a teaching program, which is pretty cool and I think I would really enjoy. I'll be sure to keep you all updated.

Oh man, today couldn't get any better!

March 20, 2011

Sunday is for Songs

I am LOVING The Dodos right now. And yes, I know I'm about 3 years too late. But better late than never!

March 17, 2011

Memories Made

You know how the time flies,
Only yesterday was the time of our lives.
We were born and raised in a summer haze,
Bound by the surprise of our glory days.

I'm feeling nostalgic.. I miss college & my best friends.

March 13, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of year

I've had the best weekend, and the week's only gonna get better!

Happy almost St. Patrick's Day friends!
(keep those less fortunate in your thoughts.. you know, Italians, Germans, etc.)

March 10, 2011

Love & Other Drugs

"You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet that one person and your whole life is changed."

So I finally saw Love & Other Drugs tonight! Do I have to tell you if I liked it or not? I think my opinion on a movie with the word 'love' in the actual title can be pretty much assumed positive. What? I'm a hopeless romantic, so sue me.

Anyway, this was my favorite line and Jake's character says it at the very end of the movie. It reminded me of another favorite quote, "happiness is only real when shared," said in one of my faves, Into The Wild. I believe both quotes are true and exactly what I hope to achieve in my life, 
love & happiness.

March 06, 2011

Guess what day it is!

I know I already posted one of her songs before, but I can't stop listening to her these days so I'm posting another one. It's my blog and I can do what I want, yo.

Like, seriously? Her voice is perfection. I have a girl crush.

March 02, 2011

Are you there world? It's me, Chelsea

I have some pretty exciting news guys. Well, exciting for me of course. Which will be exciting for you too by living vicariously through me. OBVS.

So as you may or may not know, on April 11th I'll be on my way to Aguadulce, Andalucia, Spain (a small city in the very south of Spain) to visit my good friend Marissa. I am SUPER excited, I've never been to Europe before and I've always wanted to go. Anyway, she happens to be off work for a while and we wanted to travel around. After much discussion, guess where we decided to go?

IRELAND! Nope, your eyes didn't deceive you. I will finally be going to the one place in the entire world I want (have) to visit before I die. (Remember this post? SUCCESS) Words don't describe how I feel. Anxious/ elated/ nervous (about probably not wanting to come home and living there forever). Anyway, here's the plan: we're flying to Dublin on the 18th, taking another trip to Edinburgh, Scotland from the 21st to the 24th, and then coming back to Dublin. Then sadly, Marissa has to get back to Spain to go back to work. Enter another exciting surprise: one of my best friends from college is coming to meet me in Ireland for another week! Cristina will get in on the 26th and then we'll both fly home on May 2nd.

This is going to be the best trip ever. I apologize to my friends and family in advance if I do end up moving there permanently. 

I fully expect this to be my experience in every bar. Bring it on Ireland.