February 11, 2011

Day 13 & 14

Somewhere you'd like to move or visit

Pssh, like this was even a question.. Ireland. Obviously.

Your earliest memory

Hm, I think I was 2 or 3. I had just started climbing out of my crib and my mom was trying to 'break' me of my habit of getting into her bed at night. We still lived in Vegas and my room was kind of catty-corner to a hallway that led to my mom's room. So one night when she got home from work, I heard her go into her room and shut the door. I stealthily climbed out of my crib and began the long trek to her comfy bed... except the door was locked. I freaked out. I walked back to the end of the longest hallway imaginable and screamed my lungs out for what felt like an eternity. Next thing I knew, I was waking up the next morning on the floor outside my room. I couldn't tell you if after that night I kept climbing out and trying to sneak into my mom's bed, but I remember that one night vividly. It's also funny to look back at home videos as I'm older and realize the 'longest hallway imaginable' in my baby memory, was actually maybe 6 feet long.

In other news, I saw The Fighter last night with my grandma. We had a little dinner & a movie date cause we're precious like that. If you haven't seen this movie, go. see. it. now. Seriously, it was so awesome. One of my favorites, probably because I looooove Mark Wahlberg.

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